Chesse, chesse and more cheese

My boyfriend has been more accepting about me wanting to veganize up. But I haven’t said anything to his parents. I don’t really know them that well and I feel that I already put them out enough by being vegetarian, an already alien enough concept….
Last night they fed me savory pancakes with vegetables and chesse. So much cheese. Too much. After two weeks dairy free it definatly was strange. But I feel like a bad person for complaining, at least they fed me ! And they don’t know, so how can I blame them xD
I also got the talk on how I should start eating meat again, eating that I’m not getting enough iron or protein. Funny how everyone suddenly becomes an “expert” with a lot of false info. I’m going to get a lot of stick when I work up the courage to let them know…
I’ll probably tell mum over christmas, but I’m not worrid about that, she Will just tell me that I’m crazy.
Maybe un the new year. Or maybe I just need Time to feel more confortable with this myself.

Challenge 1

For the past two weeks I have been pretty much vegan (yay!). But my first big challenge is coming up. 

This wekend we are going to L’s parent’s house. All weekend. I have to admit I’m a lttle scared.

I won’t have to have milk or cake or any of those kind of things (and I’m bringing dessert so I still get to have my cake and eat it 😉 ) but for dinner I’ll probably be given eggs or fish. The problem is that I don’t feel ready to tell them yet. I’m just starting out, and I’m not even 100% sue what I’m doing myself. It is hard enough discovering what I’m meant to be doing, I don’t feel ready to explain why I want this at the same time. 

I just need more time. Time to feel comfortable with myself and to be totally sure with my convictions. Which I am, but I also need t oknow all the facts off my heart. Because they wil qustion me. I will be told I am wrong. And maybe I’m just too british, but I’m not ready for that kind of conflict with people I know just yet.

Cold Cold Cold


It is so freezing outside ! So I’m spending most of my time keeping cozy, eating mud pie (which came out SO well) and noodles.
The boyfriend had sort of accepted my vegan decision, but I think he thinks I’ll get over it ! But at least it is a step in the right direction.
I’m having to leave my cozy nest =( shopping to be done !

Mud Pie

I have a sweet tooth. There is nothing I can do about it. I would pick a dessert over a starter any day.

And this is probably the main thing (along with cheese) that has stopped me becoming a vegan for so long. But one small google search and thousands and thousands of amazing looking recipes are laid out in front of you. It is truly amazing. I would never have thought I could find so much inspiration !

So today I making mud pie. With avacados ! It’s something I want to take to my boyfriend’s parent’s house this weekend, but of course I need to test it first, because if my boyfriend will eat it, so will the rest of his familly. Well maybe not his dad… That’s a bigger challenge.

And they absolutly can’t guess that it is vegan. They won’t eat it other wise. Too french. 

Here is the recipe I found : 

It looks good, it doesn’t have thousands of strange ingrediants and it seems simple to make

Just hope the bf doesn’t guess there is avacado in it ;).

Being vegan in the middle of nowhere

So, it’s been a little while since I’ve started giving up animal products. I thoguht I’d start slowly, but I’m pretty much rid of everything already ! Just slowly getting rid of what is in the cupboards though….

It is no where near as hard as I thought it would be. I think the whole ice cream thing is going to be hard for me this summer though. I’ll probably end up buying an ice cream maker so I can make some mlk free ice cream ! 

I don’t even mind the fact that where I live there is probably not another vegan for miles. I like making everything from scratch.

I still have exceptions. I still eat the fried egg my boyfriend’s mum gives me for dinner. They are still struggling to get around accomadating for a vegetarian as it is ! If I go to a restaurant I just take the best option. And I don’t think that makes me a bad person. It is after all a lifestlye choice.

Maybe I’ll change my mind in a few years tim, but for now I’m happy being the 90% vegan. I feel much better overall and I feel a lots less sluggish and happier. 

So despite a complete lack of support in this small french town, I’m happy with my choices and more than ready to carry on =)

Paris, mon amour…

It is 2 in the morning and I’m waiting to go and get my bus… I hate night buses.

I’m off to Paris, but I won’t be doing much sightseeing. In fact, I’ve been to Paris so many times in the last year and yet I still have yet to sightsee =( I’m going to a big conference about prison, which is going to be so amazing. Last year the minister of justice opened it, which was quite incredible. One of my friends offered her cookies ^^ 

So I’m excited, but kind of sad that I’ leaving my boyfriend behind. Is it normal to feel like I want to give up everything that has evermeant anything to me just for one person ? I’m fighting so hard to hang on to anything other than him that is a part of me. I seem so ready to give it up it is crazy…

I am so tired ! I have drunk over two litres of smoothie and eaten so many noodles, yet I’m still hungry, tired and irritable. I really hope I’m going to get some sleep on the bus =/ 

I’m going to go clean my teeth and see if that wakes me up a bit…

Happy browsing night owls ! xxx

Christmas presents


Help ! Christmas is really soon and I have no where near finished my christmas shopping. I’m also a little short on money…

It’s the men. I have no idea what to get them !! This year I need something for my mum’s boyfirend, my boyfirend’s dad, grandad and borther…

Oh, and my boyfriend –“

I am so stuck for ideas it is crazy. And every year it is the same dilema. Why are men so ard to shop for ? Do they have the same problem or is it just us ?

Well, enough ranting and back to my endless trawl on the internet in hope of inspiration….

Random thoughts

I didn’t make cookies yesterday =( i just didn’t have the time. I really want to make some before the end of the week though !

I didn’t have breakfast yesterday. Normay I justgrab someting from the vending machine at uni, but it isn’t great to start the day off with so much sugar. So, for the first time ever, I borught my own stuff with me. Banana, clementines and pumpkin seeds. Vegan, healthy and I felt so much more awake ! ANd nice to know how easy it is just to sling something into my handbag =)

I’m not a morning person. I like the idea of being up, but it just isn’t going to happen. I struggle to function and I refuse to become dependent of coffee. So night owl is it

Exams are coming up soon =/ Fun (!) I really need to start revising, I don’t feel up to another sleepless exam week ….

Oh Christmas tree !!


Imagewe have finaly got our tree ! Not many decorations, Being the poor people that we are xD But it is up and it smells of Christmas !

on another note, i’ve only eaten one non Vegan thing so far this week, so I’m feeling pretty pleased ! =p I’m making cookies tomorrow and I can’t wait to see how they turn out =) If they are good I will let you have the recipe. 

any way, good night from France !